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TRICONEX 9765-210 英维思SIS模块 冗余系统 通信控制模块品牌TRICONEX英维思颜色黑色功率220vdc转速30M/S产地USA美国系列英维思系列套装现场处理器模块品名CPU模块行业电厂、炼油厂、石化厂接口8个年份生产中产品通道2通道局域网网内互联特殊应用过程保护控制系统频率1020HZ可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;
TRICONEX 9765-210 英维思SIS模块 冗余系统 通信控制模块
TRICONEX 9765-210 英维思SIS模块 冗余系统 通信控制模块
9765-210 TRICONEX最古老的常用现场总线技术是Bitbus。Bitbus是由英特尔公司加强对的利用多总线工业系统中的系统通过分离缓慢输入输出功能来自更快的内存访问。
TRICONEX 9765-210 英维思SIS模块 冗余系统 通信控制模块
The oldest commonly used fieldbus technology for the TRICONEX is Bitbus. Bitbus is enhanced by Intel Corporation for faster memory access by separating slow input and output functions from systems in multi-bus industrial systems.
In 1983, Intel created the 8044-bit bus microcontroller by adding fieldbus firmware to an existing 8044-bit bus microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller bit bus uses EIA-485 with two twisted pairs at the physical layer, one for data and the other for clock and signal. Using SDLC at the data link layer allows 250 nodes on a network segment with a total distance of 13.2 km. Bitbus has one master node and multiple slave nodes, and the slave node only responds to requests from the master node.
Bitbus does not define a routing network layer. The 8044 only allows relatively small packets (13 bytes), but it is embedded with an efficient set of RAC(Remote access and control) tasks and the ability to develop custom RAC tasks. In 1990 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers adopted Bitbus as a serial control bus for microcontroller systems (IEEE-1118).