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TRICONEX 9671-810 控制ESD安全系统模块品牌TRICONEX产品特性原装保障是否进口否产地欧美加工定制否工作电压标准VV输出频率标准kHz产品认证原厂系列DCS/PLC物料编码690058可售卖地全国型号9671-810TRICONEX 9671-810 控制ESD安全系统模块TRICONEX 9671-810 Tricon是一个的的控制器,通过三模块冗余技术提供容错功能冗余(
TRICONEX 9671-810 控制ESD安全系统模块
TRICONEX 9671-810 控制ESD安全系统模块
TRICONEX 9671-810 Tricon是一个的的控制器,通过三模块冗余技术提供容错功能冗余(TMR)架构的方式来提供容错能力。(TMR)架构提供容错能力。TMR整合了三个孤立的、平行的控制系统和广的诊断功能在一个控制系统中系统。该系统采用三选一的投票方式,提供高集成度、无差错、不间断的过程操作,没有单点故障、无差错、不间断的过程操作,无单点故障。
TRICONEX 9671-810 控制ESD安全系统模块
The TRICONEX 9671-810 Tricon is a controller that provides fault tolerance through three-module redundancy technology in the form of a fault tolerant redundancy (TMR) architecture. (TMR) architecture provides fault tolerance. TMR integrates three isolated, parallel control systems and a wide range of diagnostic functions in one control system. The system uses a three-choice voting method to provide highly integrated, error-free, uninterrupted process operation, no single point of failure, error-free, uninterrupted process operation, and no single point of failure.
The Tricon controller uses three identical channels. Each channel executes the control program independently in parallel with the other two channels. Hardware/software voting mechanism to authenticate and verify all digital inputs and outputs. Field, and the analog input has to go through an intermediate value selection process. Because each channel is isolated from the others, there is no single point of failure for any one channel. Since each channel is isolated from the others, a single point of failure in any channel is not transmitted to another channel. A single point of failure of a channel can be propagated to another channel. If one channel does have a hardware failure, other channels will overwrite it, and other channels will overwrite it.
At the same time, the module that fails can be easily removed and replaced, while the controller is online and does not interrupt the process. Using the 3-in-1 Tricon system simplifies the setup of the control program because it acts as a single control system because it is a single control system from the user's point of view. The user terminates the sensor and actuator on a single terminal and sets up a set of programs on the Tricon. Program Tricon with a set of control program logic.