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TRICONEX DO3401 数字输出模块 英维思卡件品牌TRICONEX归档功能集散产品认证DO3401工作电压240V内部变量3401图案类型彩色适用范围120-885画面数量3是否进口是加工定制否报警功能红色报警器销售范围全国安装方式直接上机售后服务直接上机功能冗余可售卖地全国类型DCS型号DO3401TRICONEX DO3401 数字输出模块 英维思卡件ENDIAN转换-数据通道转向c
TRICONEX DO3401 数字输出模块 英维思卡件
TRICONEX DO3401 数字输出模块 英维思卡件
要注意数据开始在FIFO中累积的唯一方法是以大于13.4 Mbyte/s的速率或冗余模式下为6.7 Mbyte/s。
TRICONEX DO3401 数字输出模块 英维思卡件
ENDIAN conversion - Data channel steering can is configured in the control register to allow for different communication architectures. Byte exchange, word exchange, and byte-word exchange options are available. Prevent data loss - the data node receives an error check from the fiber optic cable and puts in the receive FIFO.
Mediated with and then accessed from the PCI bus, data is written to the node's RAM and the node's transmission FIFO. Place data written to the board from the PCI bus directly into RAM and transmit FIFO. The FIFO of data in transit is transmitted from the node to the next node via optical cable.
Note that the only way for data to start accumulating in the FIFO is at a rate greater than 13.4 Mbyte/s or 6.7 Mbyte/s in redundancy mode.
Because data can be passed from fiber to PCI bus, these rates may be exceeded. If the transfer FIFO becomes half full, the status is one bit register set. This is an indication to the node software that subsequent writes to reflected memory should be paused until the FIFO is less than half full. If half full ignores the indication, the FIFO is transmitted, and then the write to reflected memory is confirmed to stop *. No data will be lost.