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MVME2400 MOTOROLA 微处理器飞思卡尔半导体交换机品牌摩托罗拉MOTOROLA是否进口是加工定制是适用范围FBM电工电器设备名称380物料编号80特色服务0214参数名称商品名称商品编号商品毛重显示参数响应时间商品产地功率等级是否触摸屏输入功率高度材质非触摸屏显示类型用户优选工作环境连接方式网络参数宽度总容可售卖地全国型号MVME2400MVME2400 MOTOROLA 微处理器飞
Single input Single Output (SISO) - This is the simplest and most common type, where one output is controlled by a control signal. For example, the cruise control example above, or an audio system where the control input is the input audio signal and the output is the sound wave from the speaker.
MVME2400 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) - these can be found in more complex systems. For example, modern large telescopes such as the Naw and manualmuscletest muscle force tests have mirrors composed of many individual segments, each of which is operated by an actuator. The shape of the entire mirror is constantly adjusted by MIMO active optics using a control system with input from multiple sensors on the focal plane to compensate for changes in the shape of the mirror caused by thermal expansion, contraction, stress and deformation during rotation of the wave front due to turbulence in the atmosphere. Complex systems, such as nuclear reactors and human cells, are computer-simulated as large MIMO control systems.
Linear control theory - This applies to the principle of superposition of systems made from devices that meet the following criteria, roughly meaning that the output and input are proportional. They are subject to linear differential equations. A major subclass is systems with additional parameters that do not vary with time, called linear time Invariant (LTI) systems.