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Internal resistance
The internal resistance of the battery includes ohm internal resistance and polarization internal resistance, and the polarization internal resistance includes electrochemical polarization and concentration polarization. The existence of internal resistance makes the terminal voltage of the battery lower than the electromotive force and open circuit voltage, and the terminal voltage higher than the electromotive force and open circuit voltage during charging. The internal resistance of the battery is not a constant, and changes from time to time during the charge and discharge process, due to the composition of the active substance, electrolyte concentration and changes from time to time.
Ohm resistance obeys Ohm's law; The polarization resistance increases with the increase of current density, but it is not linear, and often changes with current density and temperature from time to time.
Between 220V and 260V, the bus voltage is not controlled by the switching power supply and the inverter, so hang 3 battery packs on the load battery bus to stabilize the load battery bus as a shallow power point of constant voltage for the battery voltage correction of the charging cabinet. With the fall of the capacity of the battery pack itself, there is no impact on the overall test effect, the battery life can be replaced, according to the characteristics of the bus, if the battery undervoltage is serious, the battery pack will be charged at the system's leisure.