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IS220PDIAH1A模拟量输入模块 GE 通用电气品牌通用电气控制原理未知加工定制否量程1精确度1规格尺寸IS220PDIAH1Amm可售卖地全国用途1型号IS220PDIAH1AIS220PDIAH1A模拟量输入模块 GE 通用电气ULE207685 认证用于无害的 I 类 2 区 IIC 组和 I 类 2 类 IIC 组、A、B、C 和 D 类位置。在 ATEX 2 区 IIC 地点使用时
ULE207685 认证用于无害的 I 类 2 区 IIC 组和 I 类 2 类 IIC 组、A、B、C 和 D 类位置。在 ATEX 2 区 IIC 地点使用时需要特定的认证,认证为 UL DEMKO 12 ATEX 1114875X。
与Mark VI系列中的其他型号相比,IS220PDIAH1A不一定具有特定的面板,因为它是I / O包。在设备的正面,有七个指示灯,在电池组的右侧,在三个指示灯中,有电源指示灯和两个链路指示灯,一个指示为 ENet1,另一个指示为 ENet2。在这三个指示器下方,有一个以太网端口,用于将模型连接到以太网,以便于以太网通信。
IS220PDIAH1A 包装具有两个位置标准,其中两个是 UL 600790 第 5 版和 UL 60079-15 第 3 版,用于 I 类区域 2 组 IIC。此信息可以在GEH-6725 Mark VI控制设备Hazloc手册中找到,该手册位于上面的手册选项卡下。
The ULE207685 certification is used for harmless Class I Zone 2 IIC groups and Class I 2 IIC Groups, A, B, C and D locations. Specific certification is required for use in ATEX Zone 2 IIC locations, certified as UL DEMKO 12 ATEX 1114875X.
Compared to other models in the Mark VI series, the IS220PDIAH1A does not necessarily have a specific panel as it is an I/O package. On the front of the device, there are seven indicators, and on the right side of the battery pack, among the three indicators, there are the power indicator and two link indicators, one indicating ENet1 and the other indicating ENet2. Below these three indicators, there is an Ethernet port to connect the model to Ethernet for easy Ethernet communication.
The IS220PDIAH1A package has two location standards, two of which are UL 600790 Version 5 and UL 60079-15 Version 3 for Class I region 2 Group Iics. This information can be found in the GEH-6725 Mark VI Control Device Hazloc manual, which is located under the Manual TAB above.
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