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GE DS200GASQF1BGB 涡轮控制器 精密性高抗拉强度370MPa~480MPa直径30mm质量等级A级截面形状异形执行标准进口表面处理粗砂加工定制是可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆GE DS200GASQF1BGB 涡轮
Why can't the turbine overspeed?
1) During the operation of the steam turbine, the centrifugal force on the blade is proportional to the square of the speed, that is, although the speed does not rise much, the centrifugal force on the rotor will increase geometrically, which is taken into account when the steam turbine is designed, so the overspeed phenomenon is dangerous for the steam turbine.
2) The rotor of the transfer in the design and manufacturing process, will have a self-vibration frequency, that is, we should pay attention to the frequency of the critical speed when we rush. Therefore, the normal working speed of the turbine is not within the critical speed range. However, when the turbine speed exceeds the working speed, reaching twice the frequency of the rotor itself, then the vibration of the unit will be greatly increased, even more than the vibration of the unit over the critical speed, because the friction of the dynamic and static part of the unit vibration caused by the large vibration, making the unit vibration continue, which leads to a vicious cycle. In severe cases, the turbine will be completely scrapped.
If it is used for power generation units, because China's power grid frequency is set at 50Hz, then the corresponding steam turbine speed should also be 3000rpm, if the unit is not working at the rated speed, then it will not be able to run alongside the power grid. Even in isolated network operation, if the frequency increases, it will directly lead to an increase in the speed of the rotating machinery, destroy the normal operation of the motor, resulting in an abnormal increase in the output of the pump or fan, make the motor heat, pump or fan vibration, and easily lead to tile burning accidents. At the same time, it will affect the normal operation of the filter and reduce the power quality.
DS200TCCAF1BDD GE Fanuc 数字输入模块
DS200TCCAF1BDB GE Fanuc 卡件模块
DS200TCCAF1ADD GE Fanuc 卡件模块
DS200TCCAF1ADC GE Fanuc 通用电气模块
DS200TCCAF1ADA GE Fanuc 通用电气燃机卡件
DS200TCCAF1ACF GE Fanuc 通用电气模块
DS200TCCAF1ACE GE Fanuc 通用电气模块
DS200TCCAF1ACC GE Fanuc 通用电气燃机卡件
DS200TBSAG1A GE Fanuc 通用电气燃机卡件
DS200TBQGG2A GE Fanuc 通用电气燃机卡件
DS200TBQGG1A GE Fanuc 通用电气模块
DS200TBQFG1A GE Fanuc 通用电气模块
DS200TBQEG1B GE Fanuc 通用电气燃机卡件
DS200TBQDG1A GE Fanuc 通用电气模块