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GE DS3800DFPF1B1C 有十三个不同的电阻器品牌GE通用电气规格26*36*54颜色绿色特点正常加工定制否物料编码589657548输出频率150系统环境正常系统能力强操作系统简单系统功能简单重量0.21kg产地美国可售卖地全国GE DS3800DFPF1B1C 有十三个不同的电阻器产品描述该DS3800DFPF1B1C是通用电气(GE)Mark IV Speedtronic系列的一部
该DS3800DFPF1B1C是通用电气(GE)Mark IV Speedtronic系列的一部分。 DS3800DFPF1B1C由许多部分组成。这DS3800DFPF1B1C下面有通用电气的美国印章,显示了它的制造地点。
Product description
The DS3800DFPF1B1C is part of the General Electric (GE) Mark IV Speedtronic series. DS3800DFPF1B1C consists of many parts. This DS3800DFPF1B1C has GE's US seal underneath it, showing where it was manufactured.
Each module has a separate label. The DS3800DFPF1B1C has thirteen different resistors. They vary in color and size. They come in black, silver, sky blue and gray. DS3800DFPF1B1C Two maroon capacitors, one slightly larger than the other. There are also two yellow resistor network arrays. There are four EEPROMs on the DS3800DFPF1B1C. EEPROM is a memory card that contains a circuit board program. EEPROM cannot be changed or reprogrammed. A resistor through which energy or current flows through a circuit board. These resistors look like diodes.
However, the difference is that there are up to five color stripes on the resistor. These stripes are used to identify the amount of energy that each resistor can flow through it. The DS3800DFPF1B1C has three different ways of connecting to the surrounding circuit board. The DS3800DFPF1B1C has eight bronze tower ports with sixteen silver contact points around the tower ports. The DS3800DFPF1B1C also has a small ribbon harness along the edge and a larger ribbon harness along the opposite edge.
ABB DCS ABB CI855K01 3BSE018106R1 MB300接口模块 CI855 库存 Abb 07KT92C GJR5250500R0202 脉冲放大器板
ABB DCS ABB CI861K01 3BSE058590R1 PLC通讯接口模块 CI861 库存 ABB GJR2332200R0100 88FT01D 基础模块
ABB DCS ABB CI871K01 3BSE056767R1通讯模块 CI871 CI871AK01 Abb GJR5251300R1101 07KT93C 摩尔系列模块
ABB DCS ABB CI920AS CI920B CI920S CI920N S900通讯接口模块CIPB 库存 ABB GJR5215900R38114 ZE82 DCS电源模块
ABB DCS ABB CPU板卡控制 OCAH sattcontrol 940-181-103 库存 ABB GJR5215100R38048 NG82 I/O模件
ABB DCS ABB CPU处理器 PM595-4ETH-F 1SAP155500R0279 库存 PLC模块 ABB GJR5211900R28064 TI80 光电传感器
ABB DCS ABB CPU处理器模块 PM590-ETH D8 订货号1SAP150000R017 库存 ABB GJR5240100R1 07SK83 模拟输入子模件
ABB DCS ABB CPU控制器 PM902F 3BDH001000R1-REP 处理器单元 PM902 ABB 89NG03 GJR4503500R001 脉冲继电器
ABB DCS ABB CPU控制器模块 PM590-ARCNET 订货号1SAP150000R0261 库存 ABB GJR5253100R2360 07KT98-S H5 机械手驱动器
ABB DCS ABB CPU模块 DSPC155 57310001-CX 处理器单元 DSPC-155 库存 ABB GJR5231200R0001 07AE83C 机器人配件