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GE DS3800DMEC1D1D 励磁器控制板 具有7个端子品牌GE加工定制否操作温度(-22F to +150F).湿度95%, noncondensing.硬件RS422接口指示灯驱动显示通道(s) 上面的LED处于警戒状态。储存温度(-40F to +185F).重量0.82 kg通道更新率1 second, typical能量功耗4.6 watts max.功耗10.5瓦通信USB-B
GE MD励磁器控制板DS3800DMEC1D1D具有7个端子,用于将其他组件连接到板上,以及2个指示灯LED。GE MD励磁器控制板DS3800DMEC1D1D还装有14个微调器电阻器,20个跳线,1根20针带状电缆和1根34针带状电缆。
GE MD励磁器控制板DS3800DMEC1D1D设计用于安装在连接到墙壁或其他垂直表面上的驱动器中。安装驱动器时,有几个因素需要牢记,这些因素将提高电路板的可靠性并延长电路板的使用寿命。
Product description
The GE MD exciter control board DS3800DMEC1D1D has 7 terminals for connecting other components to the board, as well as 2 indicator leds. The GE MD exciter control board DS3800DMEC1D1D also contains 14 trimmer resistors, 20 jumpers, 1 20-pin ribbon cable and 1 34-pin ribbon cable.
The GE MD exciter control board DS3800DMEC1D1D is designed to be mounted in a drive attached to a wall or other vertical surface. When installing a driver, there are several factors to keep in mind that will improve the reliability and extend the life of the board.
Before selecting the location of the driver plan for power wiring. The main power supply must be equipped with an emergency shut-off device to disconnect the high voltage power supply immediately. This may reduce injuries to individuals or reduce damage to drives or other devices in the area. The location you choose must also be free of moisture on the floor or puddle or other liquid. If the area is prone to condensation or other sources of moisture, use a dehumidifier or other method to keep the area dry.
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