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GE DS3800DMPC1E1C 具有1个可编程定时器模块(TPM)品牌GE加工定制否操作温度(-22F to +150F).湿度95%, noncondensing.硬件RS422接口指示灯驱动显示通道(s) 上面的LED处于警戒状态。储存温度(-40F to +185F).重量0.82 kg通道更新率1 second, typical能量功耗4.6 watts max.功耗10.5瓦通信U
GE微处理器板DS3800DMPC1E1C具有1个可编程定时器模块(TPM)。GE 微处理器板DS3800DMPC1E1C还装有 1 根 34 针带状电缆、1 根 50 针带状电缆和 3 个跳线。
可编程定时器模块提供处理功能以控制电路板。可擦除可编程只读存储器 (EPROM) 模块提供控制 TPM 的固件和编程代码。EPROM模块通过嵌入在电路板上的插座连接到电路板。如有必要,您可以删除模块。将平头螺丝刀插入 EPROM 模块和插座之间的空间。然后,将刀片插入模块的另一端。您可以轻轻撬开模块,但必须立即将模块放入静电敏感袋中。这是因为模块对静电敏感,很容易损坏。
Product description
The GE microprocessor board DS3800DMPC1E1C features a programmable timer module (TPM). The GE microprocessor board DS3800DMPC1E1C is also equipped with a 34-pin ribbon cable, a 50-pin ribbon cable, and three jumpers.
The programmable timer module provides processing functions to control the board. Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory (EPROM) modules provide the firmware and programming code that controls the TPM. The EPROM module is connected to the board through a socket embedded in the board. You can remove modules if necessary. Insert the flat head screwdriver into the space between the EPROM module and the socket. Then, insert the blade into the other end of the module. You can pry the module open gently, but you must immediately place the module in an electrostatic sensitive bag. This is because the modules are sensitive to static electricity and can be easily damaged.
If a new version of firmware or other code is available, you can remove the code from the module and replace it. The download can be performed on a laptop connected to the drive via a serial cable. The Control panel contains a user interface that gives you access to commands that start downloading over a serial cable. When complete, a message will be displayed notifying you that it completed successfully. If the download is unsuccessful, make sure the serial cable is fully connected to the laptop and drive.
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