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GE IS200系列 IS200EPBPG1A 应用于模拟量模块品牌GE 通用电气规格IS200EPBPG1A颜色绿色特点3.04加工定制否物料编码5.6输出频率6.8系统环境8.03系统能力2.54操作系统410.02系统功能5.68可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西
IS200EPBPG1A模块的主要功能是作为电源板。首字母缩略词 EPBP 代表励磁器电源背板。当电路板连接时,它容纳三个EPSM(电隔离电源模块)以及三个EGDM(励磁接地检测器)。 从 EPDM 进入 EPBP 板的电源将为 125 VDC。该板将通过连接的 EPSM 板发送逻辑电平电源。
IS200EPBPG1A型号包含接地检测模块、配电连接器以及其他电源板。M1、M2 和 C 部分的电路板上半部分有 <> 个插头连接器。在每个部分中,有五个四插头连接器,一个两插头连接器,四个三插头连接器和一个十二插头连接器。
Product description
The main function of the IS200EPBPG1A module is as a power supply board. The acronym EPBP stands for exciter power backplane. When the board is connected, it houses three EPSM (electrically isolated power modules) as well as three EGDM (excitation ground detectors). The power supply from the EPDM into the EPBP board will be 125 VDC. The board will send logic level power through the connected EPSM board.
The IS200EPBPG1A model contains the grounding detection module, power distribution connector, and other power modules. The upper half of the board for parts M1, M2 and C has <> a plug connector. In each section, there are five four-plug connectors, one two-plug connector, four three-plug connectors, and one twelve-plug connector.
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