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IS200EACFG1B 综合继电保护器 GE/通用电气 品牌GE加工定制否工作电压220V特点编程简单方便外壳颜色白色质量认证CCC输出频率CCC可售卖地全国IS200EACFG1B 综合继电保护器 GE/通用电气 产品描述IS200EACFG1B部分是GE从EX2100系列生产的励磁机交流反馈板,用于测量励磁机电位电力变压器交流电源电压和电流。该型号配有三个9针sub-D连接器,位于励磁机
Product description
The IS200EACFG1B part is GE's exciter AC feedback board from the EX2100 series, which is used to measure the exciter level AC supply voltage and current of power transformers. This model is equipped with three 9-pin sub-D connectors located in the exciter auxiliary cabinet.
IS200EACFG1B is the B version of IS200EAFG1. Physically, there is little difference between the IS200EACFG1A and IS200EAFG1B models. There are two three-phase voltage transformers on the controller. The transformer block is located at T3 and T2, and the transformer is omitted at T1 and T4.
The IS200EACFG1B model is an exciter AC feedback board for controlling input potential power transformer (PPT) voltage as well as hollow current transformer signals. The current through the EACF board is sent to the three DB9 connectors, which are cables that connect to the controllers of the M1, M2 and C. The cable shield terminal screws needed to connect the exciter feedback board are located on the frame, less than three inches from the other input screws.
There are also two terminals on the board for two flux/hollow coils. The IS200EACFG1B model is used with the exciter backplane (EBKP), which is the controller between the two boards. There is no LED indicator or display on this controller, which is why the IS200EACFG1B must be connected to an EBKP model such as the IS200EBKPG1B model.
SDCS-CON-1 ABB ABB DCS 3BHB044241R0001 MAGNETEK 46S02785-0010
FENA-01 ABB ABB DCS S-093H 3BHB030478R0309 D2E160-AH02-15 模块
1VCF52000 ABB ABB DCS 5SHY 4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 ABB CI532V09 电源模块
AI810 ABB ABB DCS D1031SH45TS02 3BHB006457R0001 C500-SNT31-V3 处理器模块
EH550 ABB ABB DCS 3BHE051592R0102 GD C801 B102 1771IV 分散控制
07AC91 ABB ABB DCS UF C911 B104 3BHE037864R0104 1771IKC 模拟模块
6644424A1 ABB ABB DCS ABB 3BHE032285R0102 ABB XV C772 A102 SC560 3BSE008105R1 伺服阀
AINT-14C ABB ABB DCS ABB 3BHE009017R0102 Vlscd-board Coated XV C724 Be102 PP846A 3BSE042238R1 分撒控制
3HAC024385-001 ABB ABB DCS 3BHE024577R0101 PP C907 BE PM856K01 3BSE018104R1 控制器主单元