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GE DS3800HCIB1B 卡件 电路板 电源模块品牌GE加工定制否额定功率要求+5 VDC: 1.0 A (USB满载0.5 A时可达1.5 A)工作温度0至60C(32F至140F)执行速度0.072毫秒每1000布尔指令时钟精度每天最大漂移2秒实时时钟电池预计寿命5年嵌入式串行通信Rs-232 (com1) rs-485 (com2)支持的串行协议Modbus RTU Slave, SN
GE涡轮控制板DS3800HCIB1B1C具有模块化连接器,用于连接到驱动器和固定杆,用于将板固定在驱动器中。GE涡轮机控制板DS3800HCIB1B1C还装有1个跳线和1个琥珀色指示灯LED。该板还具有 1 个 20 引脚连接器、1 个 50 引脚连接器和多个电容器。
当电路板安装在机架中时,操作员可以使用 20 针连接器和 50 针连接器。连接器位于固定杆之间,设计使技术人员可以在将电路板安装在机架中时卸下或连接电缆。在计划安装带状电缆之前,需要牢记一些注意事项。首先,如果带状电缆布线不正确,它们可能会阻塞驱动器内部的气流。
Product description
The GE Turbine control board DS3800HCIB1B1C has modular connectors for connection to the drive and retainer rods for securing the board in the drive. The GE turbine control panel DS3800HCIB1B1C also has a jumper and an amber indicator LED. The board also has a 20-pin connector, a 50-pin connector, and multiple capacitors.
When the board is mounted in the rack, the operator can use both 20-pin connectors and 50-pin connectors. The connectors are located between the fixed rods and are designed so that technicians can remove or connect the cables while mounting the board in the rack. There are a few considerations to keep in mind before planning to install ribbon cables. First, if the ribbon cables are not routed correctly, they may block the airflow inside the driver.
The components in the drive generate heat during normal machining, and if the heat is allowed to build up, the heat can lead to shortened component life and increased downtime for the drive. It can cause an overheat trip situation, which causes the drive to shut down on its own. The best way to avoid this is to let the air source into the drive through the bottom vent. Air is heated by the assembly and exits the drive through a vent at the top of the drive. Lead the cable away from the vent so that heat does not build up in the drive.
3ASD489306C437(YPG109BU)ABB DCS UF C760 BE145ABB 11UX16C-E GJR2373300R0001主板
3ASD489306C437ABB DCS UF C760 BE143ABB LT371B GJR2336800R1控制单元
3ASD399002C4ABB DCS UF C760 BE142ABB DT370A GJR2237600R1伺服控制板
3ASD299001B2/YPQ201TABB DCS UF C760 BE141ABB LT370D GJR2336500R1通道,模拟量输入
3ASD299001B2ABB DCSUF C760 BE45ABB GJR5240100R0001 07SK83R1可编程控制系统
3ASC25H705 3ASC25H705/-7ABB DCSUF C760 BE43ABB GJR5231200R0001 07AE83C冗余控制器
3AFE81014477ABB DCSUF C760 BE42ABB GJR5145000R0301 35ZE93B发电机组
3AFE61320946P0001/ LD MUI-01ABB DCSUF C760 BE41ABB 89NU01D-E GJR2329100R0100电缆
3ADT220090R0003/SDCS-POW-1ABB DCSUF C784 AE101ABB GJR5252100R3261 07KT94备件板
23NG23 1K61005400R5001ABB DCSUF C784 AEABB 11UX16C-E GJR2373300R0001测量变送器
1SBP260014R1001 07KT51ABB DCS UF C765 AE102ABB GJR5145000R0301人机界面
1KHW000592R0001ABB DCSUF C765 AE02ABB GJR5253000R0260 07KT97C电源板卡