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GE DS3800HPTN1D1D 用于通用电气建造的涡轮机生产线品牌GE加工定制否额定功率要求+5 VDC: 1.0 A (USB满载0.5 A时可达1.5 A)工作温度0至60C(32F至140F)执行速度0.072毫秒每1000布尔指令时钟精度每天最大漂移2秒实时时钟电池预计寿命5年嵌入式串行通信Rs-232 (com1) rs-485 (com2)支持的串行协议Modbus RTU Sla
GE DS3800HPTN1D1D模块是用于Mark VIe控制系统的数字控制卡模块。Mark VIe 控制系统是一种分布式控制系统,用于发电、石油和天然气等各种工业应用。
该模块包括一个支持各种输入和输出信号的可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC),使其能够与各种工业设备和过程进行交互。该模块还包括诊断和校准功能,使操作员能够监控和调整模块的性能,以确保长期准确可靠地运行。
GE DS3800HPTN1D1D 模块设计用于在广泛的温度和环境条件下运行,并安装在坚固的金属外壳中,旨在承受工业环境的恶劣条件,例如温度、冲击和振动。
总体而言,GE DS3800HPTN1D1D 模块是 Mark VIe 控制系统的关键组件,为各种工业过程和设备提供先进的数字控制能力。作为备件,它可用于更换故障或损坏的模块,确保工业环境中的停机时间短和正常运行时间长。
The GE DS3800HPTN1D1D module is a digital control card module for the Mark VIe control system. The Mark VIe control system is a distributed control system used in various industrial applications such as power generation, oil and gas.
The module includes a programmable logic controller (PLC) that supports a variety of input and output signals, enabling it to interact with a variety of industrial equipment and processes. The module also includes diagnostic and calibration functions that enable operators to monitor and adjust the module's performance to ensure accurate and reliable operation over the long term.
The GE DS3800HPTN1D1D module is designed to operate under a wide range of temperature and environmental conditions and is housed in a robust metal housing designed to withstand the harsh conditions of industrial environments, such as temperature, shock and vibration.
The module is easy to install and configure and supports multiple communication protocols, including Ethernet and Modbus. This allows modules to be easily integrated into existing control systems and to communicate with other modules and devices in the system.
Overall, the GE DS3800HPTN1D1D module is a key component of the Mark VIe control system, providing advanced digital control capabilities for a wide range of industrial processes and equipment. As a spare part, it can be used to replace faulty or damaged modules, ensuring short downtime and long uptime in industrial environments.