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DS3800HSHA1B1A是通用电气制造的电路板品牌GE规格常规颜色标准色特点可靠性高加工定制否物料编码200465701036输出频率65Hz系统环境Unix系统能力System capacity操作系统Linux系统功能WMS电流63V电压240VDC重量1.3KG安装方式控制室安装结构形式模块式环境温度-25至65C环境湿度5至95%,非冷凝可售卖地全国用途钢铁,石化,电力DS3800HS
DS3800HSHA1B1A是通用电气制造的电路板。DS3800HSHA1B1A成为Speedtronic Mark IV系列的一部分。Mark系列是为控制燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机而开发的。自 1960 年代引入 Mark I 系统以来,涡轮机运营商几十年来一直依靠 Mark 产品来确保涡轮机最高效、最安全的运行。
整个电路板上放置了 <> 个不同尺寸的集成电路。每个集成电路芯片上都有非常小的电阻器、电容器和二极管。在电路板的上边缘和下边缘都是带有红色跳线的跳线引脚。分散在电路板周围的是小型黄色电容器和各种颜色的条纹电阻器。七个测试点位于电路板的右边框,标有 RST、DSYNC、COM、SYNC 和 DATA 等名称。三个发光二极管或LED紧挨着测试点,其中两个是红色的,第三个是橙色的。电路板周围还可以找到一些银色二极管。
Product description
The DS3800HSHA1B1A is a circuit board manufactured by General Electric. The DS3800HSHA1B1A is part of the Speedtronic Mark IV series. The Mark series was developed for the control of gas and steam turbines. Since the introduction of the Mark I system in the 1960s, turbine operators have relied on Mark products for decades to ensure the most efficient and safe operation of their turbines.
There are many different electronic components on a circuit board. The jack connector port occupies the entire length of the left side of the motherboard. Another smaller connector port is located on the other side of the board. If necessary, these connectors can be used to connect other components or other boards to the DS3800HSHA1B1A. A single medium-sized blue capacitor is placed next to the larger connector port.
There are <> integrated circuits of different sizes placed on the entire board. Each integrated circuit chip has very small resistors, capacitors, and diodes. On both the top and bottom edges of the board are jumper pins with red jumpers. Scattered around the board are small yellow capacitors and striped resistors of various colors. The seven test points are located on the right border of the board and are labeled with names such as RST, DSYNC, COM, SYNC, and DATA. Three light-emitting diodes, or leds, are next to the test site, two of which are red and the third is orange. Some silver diodes can also be found around the board.