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DS3800HSPC1D1F CPU扩展板 Mark IV系列的一部分品牌GE加工定制否额定功率要求+5 VDC: 1.0 A (USB满载0.5 A时可达1.5 A)工作温度0至60C(32F至140F)执行速度0.072毫秒每1000布尔指令时钟精度每天最大漂移2秒实时时钟电池预计寿命5年嵌入式串行通信Rs-232 (com1) rs-485 (com2)支持的串行协议Modbus RTU S
DS3800HSPC1D1F是速度位置输入板。它是Speedtronic Mark IV系列的一部分,由通用电气制造。
Product description
The DS3800HSPC1D1F is a speed position input board. It is part of the Speedtronic Mark IV series and is manufactured by General Electric.
The DS3800HSPC1D1F has 25 integrated circuits. All integrated circuits contain several very small components, such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes. There are many different colored capacitors on the board. Three of the capacitors are silver and one is yellow. There are also many light blue capacitors and black capacitors. The card also has a capacitor with various colors. These bands represent the energy capacity of the device. Many resistors are covered in a color band, which also represents the capacity of the device. There are two transistors on the circuit board. One of the transistors is silver and cylindrical.
This transistor is designated Q2. The other transistor is black and in the shape of a half-moon. The transistor is labeled Q1. Many red ribbon diodes can be found on the surface of the card. Bordering the right side of the board is a series of test points. These test points can test the functionality of the board. The right end of the motherboard is a blue male jack connector port. There are several jumper pins on the board, with black jumpers that are used to create connections between the pins. The blue potentiometer, also known as the variable resistor, is located on the right end of the DS3800HSPC1D1F. Potentiometers are sometimes used to control variables such as volume. In printed circuit boards, they can adjust the resistance of variable resistors.