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GE DS3800HSQD1H1E 电源模块 输入输出模块品牌GE加工定制否额定功率要求+5 VDC: 1.0 A (USB满载0.5 A时可达1.5 A)工作温度0至60C(32F至140F)执行速度0.072毫秒每1000布尔指令时钟精度每天最大漂移2秒实时时钟电池预计寿命5年嵌入式串行通信Rs-232 (com1) rs-485 (com2)支持的串行协议Modbus RTU Slave,
GE 低 HP 序列板DS3800HSQD1J1E设计为每个角上都有一个孔,用于插入螺钉以将板固定在驱动器中。GE 低 HP 序列板DS1HSQD3800J1E还配备了 1 个 2 针连接器和 40 个带固定杆的 1 针连接器,用于固定带状电缆。该板还装有 20 针连接器和 50 个 1 针连接器。该板还装有 20 个可擦除可编程只读存储器 (EPROM) 模块和 1 个琥珀色指示灯 LED 和 1 个红色指示灯 LED。
子卡还装有一根短的 50 针带状电缆。带状电缆的一端永久连接到子卡。带状电缆的另一端配有 50 针连接器。将连接器插入主板上的 50 针连接器。该连接提供在子卡和电路板之间传递的控制信号。它还提供电压为子卡供电。
The GE Low HP sequence board DS3800HSQD1J1E is designed with a hole in each corner for inserting screws to secure the board in the drive. The GE Low HP serial board DS1HSQD3800J1E also comes with 1 2-pin connector and 40 1-pin connectors with fixed rods for securing ribbon cables. The board is also equipped with 20-pin connectors and 50 1-pin connectors. The board is also equipped with 20 erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) modules and one amber LED and one red LED.
In some cases, adding a daughter card to the GE low HP sequence board DS3800HSQD1J1E can be helpful. Subcards are designed to increase the processing power of the board. The daughter card and the board work together to perform processing functions. The board is equipped with brackets, which are plastic devices attached to the board. The daughter card has holes in each corner. The technician can slide the hole in the subcard into the bracket to secure the subcard to the board.
The sub-card also contains a short 50-pin ribbon cable. One end of the ribbon cable is permanently connected to the sub-card. The other end of the ribbon cable is fitted with a 50-pin connector. Plug the connector into the 50-pin connector on the motherboard. This connection provides the control signal that passes between the sub-card and the board. It also provides voltage to power the sub-card.