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GE SR469-P1-HI-A20-E 继电器模块 进口电气品牌GE规格常规颜色标准色特点可靠性高加工定制否物料编码210810596481333输出频率50Hz系统环境耐高温系统能力自动操作系统PLC系统系统功能可编程电流63V电压240VDC重量1.3KG安装方式控制室安装结构形式模块式环境温度-25至65C环境湿度5至95%,非冷凝可售卖地全国用途钢铁,石化,电力GE SR469-P1-H
GE SR469-P1-HI-A20-E 继电器模块 进口电气
GE SR469-P1-HI-A20-E 继电器模块 进口电气
GE SR469-P1-HI-A20-E 继电器模块 进口电气
Motor cooling time constant When 469 detects that the motor is running, at a load below the overload pick set point, or the motor stops, it will start slowing down the stored TCU value, simulating the actual motor cooling process.
The TCU decays exponentially at a rate set by the cooling time constant. It is usually the cooling process that stops the motor at a much slower speed than this in the operation of the motor, thus running and stopping provides a cooling time constant set value that reflects the difference in the relay. The TCU lower limit curve for operating cooling is defined by the hot/cold safe stall ratio and the motor load level.
The limit of the lower TCU stop cooling curve is 0% and corresponds to the motor at ambient temperature. Start disable and emergency restart Start suppress functions prevent the motor from being available when the heat capacity is insufficient or the motor start monitoring function commands start disable. The heat capacity and motor start used in an emergency can reset the supervisory timer to allow the hot motor to start.