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DS3800NFCD1Q1E 点火电路板 有13个红色指示灯品牌GE加工定制否额定功率要求+5 VDC: 1.0 A (USB满载0.5 A时可达1.5 A)工作温度0至60C(32F至140F)执行速度0.072毫秒每1000布尔指令时钟精度每天最大漂移2秒实时时钟电池预计寿命5年嵌入式串行通信Rs-232 (com1) rs-485 (com2)支持的串行协议Modbus RTU Slave,
DS3800NFCD1Q1E 点火电路板 有13个红色指示灯
DS3800NFCD1Q1E 点火电路板 有13个红色指示灯
GE点火电路板DS3800NFCD1Q1E在每个角落都有1个孔,用于用螺钉将电路板连接到驱动器内部。该板装有 4 个支架,用于连接子卡。子卡提供额外的处理、连接器和功能。该板装有多个晶体管-晶体管逻辑器件。
GE点火电路板DS3800NFCD1Q1E还装有13个红色指示灯LED和1个琥珀色指示灯LED。该板还具有 1 个用于电可擦除可编程只读存储器 (EEPROM) 模块的插座。该板还装有多个跳线和 2 个 34 针连接器。
DS3800NFCD1Q1E 点火电路板 有13个红色指示灯
Product description
The GE ignition board DS3800NFCD1Q1E has 1 hole in each corner for attaching the board to the inside of the driver with screws. The board is equipped with four brackets for connecting subcards. Subcards provide additional processing, connectors, and functionality. The board is equipped with a plurality of transistor-transistor logic devices.
The GE ignition circuit board DS3800NFCD1Q1E also has 13 red indicator leds and 1 amber indicator LED. The board also has a socket for an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) module. The board is also equipped with multiple jumpers and two 34-pin connectors.
The location of one 1-pin connector on the GE fired circuit board DS2NFCD34Q3800E allows the technician to connect or disconnect ribbon cables from the circuit board without removing the board from the driver. However, be sure to always disconnect all power from the drive before touching the motherboard or any other components in the drive. The drive requires multiple current sources to operate.
Therefore, it is important to understand how the driver is installed and how the current of the driver is connected. Some currents are AC currents and some are DC currents. Direct current is generated through a rectifier, which converts alternating current into direct current. To eliminate DC current, disable the rectifier by removing the fuse. To eliminate AC current, pull the circuit breaker.