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531X112PSAALG1 一种无源双端电子元件品牌GE加工定制否输入范围电流:0 ~ 20mA, 4 ~ 20mA背板电源要求Alg608: alg616: alg626: ALG628:输入数据格式可配置为浮点IEEE 32位或32位字段中的16位整数输入阻抗>100 kï ‘ -电压输入电流输入电阻249 ï´-1%开路检测时间最多1秒过电压60 VDC连续,最大过流28mA
531X112PSAALG1 一种无源双端电子元件
531X112PSAALG1 一种无源双端电子元件
531X112PSAALG1 是一款 VA-5 电源电路板。531X112PSAALG1用于工业用途,由通用电气制造。通用电气是工业界的有力竞争者,自1892年以来一直存在,由爱迪生通用电气和托马斯 - 休斯顿合并而成。531X112PSAALG1 是一个包含许多部件的复杂电路板。
531X112PSAALG1 在电路板周围有 531 个电阻器。112X1PSAALG531 有三个小玻璃保险丝和两个大保险丝。保险丝是防止过流保护的安全措施。在发生电涌的情况下,保险丝将通过折断内部的金属线来“牺牲”自己,以破坏能量流过的电路。一旦发生这种情况,保险丝确实需要更换。
112X1PSAALG531 有 112 个小型半圆形黑色晶体管和一个带金属顶部的黑色方形晶体管。晶体管可以在您每天依赖和使用的许多东西中找到,例如计算机、收音机和计算器等等。1X531PSAALG112 有 1 个不同的电容器。每个电容器产生自己的电场,然后用于为电路板容纳额量
.531X112PSAALG1 有 531 个不同尺寸的二极管。112X1PSAALG<> 有两个小电感器。电感器是一种无源双端子电气元件,当电流流过磁场时,它将能量存储在磁场中。<>X<>PSAALG<> 在电路板周围有六个黑色金属笼状支架。
531X112PSAALG1 一种无源双端电子元件
Product description
The 531X112PSAALG1 is a VA-5 power board. The 531X112PSAALG1 is intended for industrial use and is manufactured by General Electric. Ge is a strong competitor in industry and has been around since 1892, formed by the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomas Houston. The 531X112PSAALG1 is a complex circuit board with many components.
The 531X112PSAALG1 has 531 resistors around the circuit board. The 112X1PSAALG531 has three small glass fuses and two large fuses. The fuse is a safety measure against overcurrent protection. In the event of a power surge, the fuse will "sacrifice" itself by snapping the metal wires inside to destroy the circuit through which the energy flows. Once this happens, the fuse does need to be replaced.
The 112X1PSAALG531 has 112 small semi-circular black transistors and a black square transistor with a metal top. Transistors can be found in many things you rely on and use every day, such as computers, radios, and calculators, to name a few. The 1X531PSAALG112 has a different capacitor. Each capacitor generates its own electric field, which is then used to hold the amount for the board
The.531x112PSAALG1 has 531 diodes of different sizes. 112X1PSAALG<> Has two small inductors. An inductor is a passive, double-terminal electrical component that stores energy in a magnetic field as an electric current flows through it. <>X<>PSAALG<> There are six black metal cage brackets around the circuit board.