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MMII-PD-1-2-240 通用电气 控制模块品牌GE美国通用功率250伏交流电端口20个I/O端口输入接口16路配置带显示屏功能特点诊断和欠压自动重启功能电源120VAC电源电流10A售后服务质保一年可售卖地全国型号MMII-C-0-0-120MMII-PD-1-2-240 通用电气 控制模块通用电气多线电机管理器是一系列控制模块,结合了多种功能,用于控制电机性能和广泛的电机保护。这种产品最
MMII-PD-1-2-240 通用电气 控制模块
MMII-PD-1-2-240 通用电气 控制模块
通用电气多线电机管理器是一系列控制模块,结合了多种功能,用于控制电机性能和广泛的电机保护。这种产品最初是由通用电气公司的工业自动化部门开发和生产的。与其他品牌和型号的分立电机控制相比,Motor Manager II(也称为MM2)是一款旨在以尽可能低的价格提供最复杂的控制和保护的设备。
MMII-PD-1-2-240 通用电气 控制模块
The GE Multi-Wire Motor Manager is a family of control modules that combine multiple functions for controlling motor performance and extensive motor protection. This product was originally developed and produced by the Industrial automation division of General Electric. Compared to other brands and models of discrete Motor control, the Motor Manager II(also known as MM2) is a device designed to provide the most sophisticated control and protection at the lowest possible price.
This model of the MMI-PD-1-2-240 Motor Manager II series covers a large number of functions that low-voltage motor control needs to handle, such as handling any possible overloads, unbalanced phases, possible contractor failures, and rotor locking and/or stalling. This model also incorporates a thermal winding thermistor module. If the power level falls below the required nominal intake, the undervoltage automatic restart will be activated.
The physical frame of the MMI-PD-1-2-240 unit is equipped with a set of 4 outputs and 16 input ports. The output ports are specified as a pair of contractor outputs and a pair of programmable outputs. For input ports, there are 6 fixed inputs and 10 programmable inputs.