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光学焊接合成器 P0926MX 福克斯波罗FOXBORO品牌福克斯波罗FOXBORO加工定制否产品名称工业备件模块产地美国计量单位个是否进口是是否包邮是最小起订量1供货数量30成色全新电压24是否质保是系统环境稳定重量0.3KG可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西
光学焊接合成器 P0926MX 福克斯波罗FOXBORO
FOXBORO P0926MX 创建一个标准化的总线系统
FOXBORO P0926MX creates a standardized bus system
While developing the MOTOROLA 68000, their engineer Jack Keast decided to set out to create a standardized bus system for systems based on 68000 cpus. The MOTOROLA team deliberated for a few days and chose the name VERSAbus. The VERSAbus card is large, 370 by 230 mm (14+ a ⁄2 through 9+ a ⁄ 4 in), and uses edge connectors. Only a few products feature it, including IBM Systems 9000 instrument controllers and automated robotics and machine vision systems.
Keast was later joined by John Black, who refined the specification and created the generic module product concept. A young engineer working for Black, Julie Kesch designed the VERSAmodule card, the VERSAbus adapter module for running existing cards on the new VERSAbus. Sven Rau and Max Loser of MOTOROLA - Europe added a mechanical specification to the system that European cards were at a late stage in the standardization process. The result was originally called VERSAbus-E, but was later renamed VMEbus for the VERSAmodule European card bus (although some called it the Europa Module).