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Power positioning system controller
The dynamic positioning system controller calculates the resultant force exerted by the thrusters/propellers to keep the ship in place. In position holding operation, K-Pos controllers can operate in the following modes, all of which have special characteristics:
High precision control: High precision dynamic positioning system control provides high precision position holding in all weather conditions at the cost of power consumption and mechanical and thruster wear.
Relaxed control: The relaxed dynamic positioning system controls smoother use of thrusters at the cost of position retention accuracy. However, this type of control does not guarantee that the vessel will stay within its area of operation and is mainly suitable for windless weather conditions.
GreenDP® Control: Kongsberg has developed a unique power positioning control system (GreenDP® control), which reduces fuel consumption and therefore carbon monoxide 2 emissions by 20%. Green Democrat ® controls protect the vessel and keep it within the designated operating area. The new method is based on predicting the ship's motion, rather than acting on current conditions, using an approach called "nonlinear model predictive control," which optimizes the predicted ship offset, avoiding the use of thrusters. By doing so, small and short-term disturbances that do not force the ship out of its operational boundaries are "filtered out". This allows for very smooth control, a significant reduction in peak loads, and a significant reduction in thruster wear, which is part of Kongsberg's Green Ship strategy.