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LID43.03 可编程增益阵列 基准电压源品牌欧美工控风速20m/s品名控制器重量21.3lb功率1020VDC频率1405Hz通道6通道电源容量1120W可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆类型重工业应用模块型号LID43.03LID4
LID43.03 可编程增益阵列 基准电压源
LID43.03 可编程增益阵列 基准电压源
LID43.03 EMG在该系统中,电源通过三相星形/三角形连接的降压变压器从交流发电机本身获得。变压器的初级连接到交流发电机总线,次级向整流器供电,并向电网控制电路和其他电气设备供电。
LID43.03 EMG自动电压调节器用于调节电压。它把波动的电压转换成恒定的电压。电压波动主要是由于供电系统负载的变化而产生的。电压的变化会损坏电力系统的设备。电压的变化可以通过在几个地方安装电压控制设备来控制,LID43.03 EMG例如在变压器、发电机、馈线等附近。电压调节器设置在电力系统中的不止一个点上,用于控制电压变化。
LID43.03 可编程增益阵列 基准电压源
LID43.03 EMG In this system, power is obtained from the alternator itself via a step-down transformer with a three-phase star/triangle connection. The primary of the transformer is connected to the alternator bus, and the secondary supplies power to the rectifier and to the grid control circuit and other electrical equipment.
The system has a very short response time and provides excellent dynamic performance. The system reduces operating costs by eliminating exciter wind resistance losses and winding maintenance.
The LID43.03 EMG automatic Voltage regulator is used to regulate voltage. It converts a fluctuating voltage into a constant voltage. Voltage fluctuations are mainly caused by changes in the load of the power supply system. Changes in voltage can damage equipment in the power system. Changes in voltage can be controlled by installing voltage control devices in several places, LID43.03 EMG for example near transformers, generators, feeders, etc. Voltage regulators are set at more than one point in the power system to control voltage changes.