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SST-DN3-PCI-2通讯主板DSQC658系统装置备件产品特性品质一年是否进口否产地欧美加工定制否工作电压标准VV输出频率标准kHz系列DCS/PLC系统物料编码6662可售卖地全国型号SST-DN3-PCI-2 DSQC658SST-DN3-PCI-2 DSQC658提供四个用户可编程定时器(两个16位和两个32位),完全专用于用户应用程序,不需要任何标准系统功能。每个计时器的发电机计时可
SST-DN3-PCI-2 DSQC658提供四个用户可编程定时器(两个16位和两个32位),完全专用于用户应用程序,不需要任何标准系统功能。每个计时器的发电机计时可选频率为2MHz、1MHz、500kHz和250kHz。每个计时器可能是独立启用,每个都能够在超时。事件可以通过轮询计时器或启用计时器。状态寄存器允许应用软件确定哪个计时器是任何中断的原因。
通过将“1”写入适当的“计时器x”,可以独立启用每个计时器启用”字段。类似地,每个计时器产生的中断可以是通过将“1”写入适当的“定时器x IRQ启用”来独立启用领域如果中断是由计时器生成的,则可以确定中断的来源通过读取“定时器x导致IRQ”字段。
The SST-DN3-PCI-2 DSQC658 offers four user-programmable timers (two 16-bit and two 32-bit) that are fully dedicated to user applications and do not require any standard system features. Generator timing options for each timer are 2MHz, 1MHz, 500kHz, and 250kHz. Each timer may be enabled independently, and each is capable of timeouts. Events can be done by polling a timer or by enabling a timer. The status register allows the application software to determine which timer is the cause of any interruption.
Each timer Enabled field can be enabled independently by writing "1" to the appropriate "timer x" field. Similarly, the interrupt generated by each timer can be independently enabled by writing the "1" to the appropriate "Timer x IRQ Enabled" field. If the interrupt is generated by the timer, the source of the interrupt can be determined by reading the "Timer x causes IRQ" field.
If the field is set to "1", the corresponding timer causes an interrupt. Note that multiple timers can result in an interruption. Therefore, the status of all timers must be read to ensure that all interruptions identify the source.