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针对视频图像数据量大的特点,为了保证系统的实时性要求,系统采用大容量的片外SDRAMR对采集到的视频图像信息进行缓存,SDRAM控制器由FPGA实现,视频图像信息经过 SDRAM缓存后首先要由FPGA对其进行滤波处理,以消除图像信息中的噪声干扰
DSP上电后首先进行引导程序的自加载,等待FPGA发送请求,在收到FPGA的请求后,DSP建立EDMA通道从FPGA获取视频数据,存满一帧后,开始对视频图像进行JPEG压缩处理,压缩处理后的视频图像信息经过FIFO缓存后,在 FPGA的控制下写入USB接口控制器的数据缓存区,等待PC机的读数请求,USB接口控制器在收到PC机的读数请求后将数据写入PDIUSBD12的端口1,以便PC机下一步读取数据。
In view of the large amount of video image data, in order to ensure the real-time requirements of the system, the system adopts large-capacity off-chip SDRAMR to cache the collected video image information. The SDRAM controller is implemented by FPGA, and the video image information must be filtered by FPGA after being cached by SDRAM. To eliminate noise interference in image information
In this system, the collected video information is processed by means of median filtering, and the filtered data enters DSP through FPGA internal FIFO for further compression processing.
After powering on the DSP, the bootstrap program is self-loaded first and waits for the request from FPGA. After receiving the request from FPGA, the DSP establishes an EDMA channel to obtain video data from FPGA. After storing a full frame, the video image is compressed by JPEG and the compressed video image information is cached by FIFO. Under the control of FPGA, the data cache of the USB interface controller is written, waiting for the reading request of the PC, and the USB interface controller writes the data to port 1 of PDIUSBD12 after receiving the reading request of the PC, so that the PC can read the data in the next step.