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ABB DSDP140C 脉冲计数器板 EXC 57160001-MP DSDP 140C品牌ABB归档功能通讯功能产品认证合格工作电压24V内部变量ELAU图案类型矢量图适用范围工业类画面数量4是否进口是加工定制是报警功能有产品名称模块输入电压24V额定电流5A特色服务包邮备注说明质保一年操作方式远程控制适用电机伺服类电机系统内存8MB显示色彩99.9电源电压220VABB DSDP140C 脉
ABB DSDP140C 脉冲计数器板 EXC 57160001-MP DSDP 140C
ABB DSDP140C 脉冲计数器板 EXC 57160001-MP DSDP 140C
dsdp140c 57160001-mp 能够代替旋转编码器,其价格跟旋转编码器等同。 由于旋转变压器选用无刷设计, 所以无需保护, 使用牢靠,寿命长, 对机械和电气噪音不灵敏。由于旋变以上特色, 所以被广泛应用在特别是高温、酷寒、湿润、高速、高震动等旋转编码器无法正常工作的场合、如机器人系统、伺服系统、工程机械、 汽车、电力、冶金、纺织、印刷、航空航天等范畴。
● 操作温度规模宽:(-55℃至+155℃)
● 能用在恶劣的环境中工作
振动:196m/s2 (20g)在10-500hz时
耐冲击:981m/s2 (100g)
● 湿度:在60℃时,*小相对湿度为90%
● 高速旋转:100~500s-1 (6000~3000min-1)
● 由于选用无刷结构,所以旋变能够高牢靠性和长寿命
● 肯定位置检测
ABB DSDP140C 脉冲计数器板 EXC 57160001-MP DSDP 140C
The dsdp140c 57160001-mp can replace the rotary encoder at the same price as the rotary encoder. Due to the brushless design of the rotary transformer, there is no need for protection, reliable use, long life, and no sensitivity to mechanical and electrical noise. Due to the above characteristics of rotation, it is widely used in especially high temperature, cold, wet, high-speed, high vibration and other rotary encoders can not work normally, such as robot systems, servo systems, engineering machinery, automobiles, electric power, metallurgy, textile, printing, aerospace and other fields.
● Wide operating temperature scale: (-55℃ to +155℃)
● Can work in harsh environments
Vibration: 196m/s2 (20g) at 10-500hz
Impact resistance: 981m/s2 (100g)
● Humidity: at 60℃, the minimum relative humidity is 90%
● High-speed rotation: 100 ~ 500s-1 (6000 ~ 3000min-1)
● Because of the brushless structure, the rotation can be high reliability and long life
● Positive position detection