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1756-OB32 AB罗克韦尔直流输出模块品牌AB罗克韦尔加工定制否支持系统DCS产地美国是否进口是计量单位个是否包邮是成色全新系统环境稳定重量0.56KG规格25*25*23最小起订量1供货数量30质保时间1年可售卖地北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;
1756-OB32 AB罗克韦尔直流输出模块
1756-OB32 AB罗克韦尔直流输出模块
◆ 的休眠作用在系统需求降低到预先设定标准时,自动关闭机器;当系统需求增加时,自动起动机器
◆内置的Modbus RTU和Johnson Metasys N2协议为可选参数,不需要额外的软件和硬件支持驱动串行接口(DSI)通讯模块和附件
1756-OB32 AB罗克韦尔直流输出模块
Detailed introduction
◆ The integrated PID controller can automatically adjust the output frequency and adjust the process variables
◆ Three programmable jump frequency segments prevent the frequency converter from running continuously in the resonance frequency to avoid mechanical damage
◆ Optional fan/pump curves provide voltage drop mode for centrifugal fan and pump loads
◆ The hibernation function automatically shuts down the machine when the system demand is reduced to the pre-set standard; Automatically start the machine when the system demand increases
◆ For some unattended operating environments, the inverter will automatically restart operation when the system is powered off and then restored
◆ Specific inputs such as Freeze/Fire and Purge can be directly connected to emergency safety systems such as fire
◆ RS485 communication integrated into the inverter
The built-in Modbus RTU and Johnson Metasys N2 protocols are optional, and no additional software and hardware support is required to drive Serial Interface (DSI) communication modules and accessories
◆ With DriveExplorer and DriveTools, you can easily program, monitor and control the frequency converter
◆ Complete sets of inverter meet UL standards, enhance the flexibility of installation, allowing the inverter to be installed directly in the switch cabinet
◆ Complete inverter circuit breaker and contactor bypass equipment can be started with simple assembly by combining operator panel, controller, communication and pre-assembled power options
◆ Complete inverter bypass contactor provides three pairs of contactor contacts. When the inverter is in bypass mode, the function of the inverter can be tested and the inverter can be isolated